Saturday, September 9, 2017

Welcome to Lisa Stice!

This evening I would like to post some poems by Lisa Stice, a fellow poet from the anthology Resurrection of a Sunflower.   The first poem made me stop and think about the price that the military and their families pay as well as the difficult lives that many women lead.

A Funeral for Our Own

And there we were
all together for the first time
with one of us in an open casket
and a husband grieving for
the three months not shared.
Our hearts beat a cadence.
How little we help each other.
The life in slides looks like any
of us who smile for a camera,
hug near-strangers in times of public grief,
and in the end we embrace each other,
say This is a sign, we need to be there
but one honest wife says
with car keys in her hand
In the sixteen years
I have been married to the Corps,
this is the first time
I have gotten together with other wives.
I don’t think it will happen again.

originally published in Lisa Stice’s Uniform (Aldrich Press, 2016)

Lisa also sent me a tribute to Joan Baez, another of the musicians born in the 1940s and a key figure in the 1960s for her music and politics.

high notes and scratchy static
from my record player
like diamonds and rust
like an old car that still starts
and rumbles down
dusty roads to a familiar
place        here’s to you
a love song to a stranger
a memory of slower days
when I could sit under a tree—
maybe cherry or dogwood—
and read or do nothing at all
rooted as a wildwood flower
like you on the album cover
smiling and forever young

* Italicized words are song titles.

Lisa Stice is a poet/mother/military spouse who received a BA in English literature from Mesa State College (now Colorado Mesa University) and an MFA in creative writing and literary arts from the University of Alaska Anchorage. While it is difficult to say where home is, she currently lives in North Carolina with her husband, daughter and dog. She is a Pushcart Prize nominee and the author of a poetry collection, Uniform (Aldrich Press, 2016). You can find out more about her and her publications at and

I'll start off the music with Joan Baez's version of "There But for Fortune," a song written by Phil Ochs:

Here she sings "Gracias a la Vida" with Mercedes Sosa:

Sergio Ortiz wrote a tribute to Mercedes Sosa that I published last spring:

I'm going to switch gears and play some music by Jerry Gonzalez, a jazz musician born in 1949.  Here is his version of Monk's "Jackie-ing":

I'll add his version of "Misterioso":

This last song is his witty version of "Parisian Thoroughfare":


1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing these and other poems with me. I so appreciate it Marianne. Poetry and music truly are my escape.
