Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Guerrilla Podcasts!


My Mother's Dress Shop

by Jeff Friedman

Jeff Friedman is the author of 10 books of poetry and prose, including Ashes in Paradise, The Marksman and Floating Tales. His micro story "My Mother's Dress Shop" was selected for Best Microfiction 2023. 

Borrowed Dresses

by Shoshauna Shy

Shoshauna Shy loves how flash fiction cuts to the chase, and as a poet, bounces between poetry and micro prose. Favorite moments are spent with trees, books, cats, chocolate and her husband, preferably all at the same time. She resides in Madison, Wisconsin.

The Committee to Reduce Committee Work

by Ethan Goffman

Ethan Goffman is a poet, fiction writer, journalist, and teacher whose physical body resides in Rockville, Maryland.